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Community outraged after horse neglect by Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides uncovered, business already embroiled in other legal issues

Pacific City, Ore. – An official with an Oregon horse rescue organization recently detailed the horrific conditions and neglect of numerous horses and other animals at the hands of a horseback riding outfitter company located on the Oregon coast.

The company, Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides, has had a laundry list of ongoing issues and violations with numerous State agencies. The company’s owners have also been facing their own legal issues, including one of the owners having an active warrant for their arrest.

Mary Renouf, a director and volunteer for Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue based in Polk County, Oregon, made the weekend blog post following their efforts to rescue two horses and a turkey from one of the properties of Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides. Her story was originally posted to her personal blog, and then on Monday by NW Horse Report as a guest column.

The company allegedly maintains at least two locations located in Pacific City, Oregon, a housing barn with a small pasture and a beachside location where they conduct horseback rides for tourists a few minutes away.

“But yesterday – yesterday almost broke me.” said Renouf in her recent column, and who herself is a seasoned veteran that has seen countless cases of animal neglect and abuse in Oregon. Harmony New Beginnings is one of the few “go-to” rescues that frequently assists Oregon’s law enforcement agencies with conducting seizures of animals in cases like this, including horses.

A major horse neglect case Harmony New Beginnings recently assisted on that started in 2022 and continued into 2023, involved a mother and daughter duo just outside Dallas, Oregon, were convicted in a case of felony animal neglect. Sanda and Jessica Brownell’s property was raided by authorities while they shockingly were in the midst of conducting a summer horse camp for kids as part of the illegal unregistered business.

Animal control Deputies with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office called on Harmony New Beginnings and a local veterinarian to assist with removing countless horses in that case and rehabilitating them.

Renouf explained that they became concerned about horses and other animals at Green Acres after receiving a new wave of people expressing concerns, including riders, other horse people, and neighbors of the business, and even hearing about complaints being filed with the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office.

“Animal control was receiving calls but nothing appeared to have been done about it.” said Renouf

Renouf didn’t want to mention the owner or business by name in her blog post but did confirm to NW Horse Report that the owner referenced was indeed Teresa “Terri” Stuebgen and her Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides. The business is co-owned with her now ex-husband Daniel Stuebgen.

One of the other directors from Harmony New Beginnings knew Teresa Stuebgen, and so they made a visit to the property just to see what they could do. Renouf explained to NW Horse Report that while they expected issues, nothing could have prepared their seasoned staff for what they actually found considering some of these horses were being used on the beach with tourists in recent weeks.

A photo of one of the horses recently rescued by Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue – (Photo Courtesy of Mary Renouf)

She went on to explain that, “[Teresa Stuebgen] tried to explain the situation– and some of it is probably true. It has been a rough winter, feed is expensive, there is a shortage of care providers and the economy has been hard.” said Renouf.

“But if we’re being honest, if your business is based off using horses to provide tours, then you have to put their care first. Sure, vets are taking awhile to come out, but these horses hadn’t had care in a VERY LONG time.” explained Renouf.

“Hoof experts do cancel sometimes, but not for years at a time. Feed and supplements can be hard to come by, but there are alternatives.”

Renouf also said it’s even more “unconscionable” considering the Stuebgens also own a feed store, which NW Horse Report uncovered as Happy Trails Feed & Tack.

A detailed a long list of issues witnessed by the rescue staff at the overnight barn for Green Acres on Friday was also disclosed by Renouf;

· “Way too many horses being housed in one area.”

· “Numerous horses that were incredibly underweight, one with an eye infection so bad the eye couldn’t be opened and others that were biting and kicking because of the unsafe cohabitation.”

· “Unclean pen area, with some horses clearly covered in mud and feces.”

· “No clear food source and water troughs that were unclean and had nowhere near enough water for the number of animals present.”

· Other livestock confined and segregated in small spaces, again with no food or water.

· “Unsafe living conditions IN THE BARN for numerous humans, none of whom seemed to be actively participating in the care of the animals.”

The rescue crew later went to the beach location after finding that Teresa Stuebgen was not present.

“We got there a little ahead of the return of a tour group where we noticed the stalls had no food and empty water buckets. As the group came back, we could see the horses were clearly being overworked, underfed, and lacked energy,” said Renouf.

“Upon further inspection, we saw their coats were dull, their tails and manes matted and falling out. You could clearly see ribs poking out on several, feet in desperate need of a farrier, and teeth issues,” she also details.

Photo showing two horses voluntarily surrendered to Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue by the owner of Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides – (Photo Courtesy of Mary Renouf)

Renouf confirmed that they received three animals, two horses as well as a neglected turkey which was pictured in her blog.

She also explained they were “lucky” the owner even released those few animals to them voluntarily, “There are so many horses in this situation I could talk about, but what I will say is this. The owner couldn’t defend it no matter how hard they tried. And we shouldn’t have been the ones having that conversation with them.”

“Animal control could have done more. The local authorities should have done more. We were lucky that owner was willing to release a couple of them to us to work on, but even then, they didn’t surrender them, they asked us to rehabilitate them and give them back.”

More witnesses coming forward

Mahaley Rogers, 22, is a now former employee of Green Acres and recently came forward to NW Horse Report to tell her story after hearing about the latest round of discoveries involving Green Acres, further corroborating much of what Renouf and other rescue staff recently uncovered.

Rogers explained that she’s actually known the Stuebgens a long time– since she was about 10 years old– and had worked off-and-on for the business and the Stuebgens since she was that age. Until the 2020 and 2021 seasons, Rogers had worked as a minor for the business.

She detailed what was a myriad of problems with the business, from lying about hiring minors, falsifying payroll records, and how it and the Stuebgens generally operated their businesses, among the issues being the care of the horses year-round– explaining that it was however far worse during the winters.

Rogers stopped working for the company by mid-summer of 2021, but said she tried “not to entirely burn bridges” so she could continue to check on the horses. Months ago, Rogers said she finally had enough after witnessing the condition of most of the horses which she claimed were worse than it had been in any other past winter.

That’s when Rogers says she reported the issue to the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office but said the complaint was ultimately dismissed.

“When you can see that a horse is thin and skinny even with a thick winter blanket on– if a deputy can’t tell those horses need help they need to have a professional go with them because they clearly don’t know anything about horse welfare,” said Rogers.

“If an officer went down there months ago and saw any one of those horses, they should have done something then.”

A photograph from 2020 taken by a private investigator and obtained through State public records detailing past issues of horse care corroborates numerous allegations that the Stuebgens and their company Green Acres have a repeating pattern of neglecting their animals each winter.

Renouf’s detail of last Friday’s ordeal went on to express that some of the wounds and conditions of horses were so bad, the seasoned animal rescuer couldn’t even bring herself to share them.

“When we got the ones we were able to take back to the rescue out of the trailer and into a stall with alfalfa, they didn’t stop eating for over an hour. We took off their blankets and we all were gutted. We knew it was bad, but we didn’t know it was THAT bad. Ribs clearly visible, sunken backs, jutting hips, hair loss, caked on feces to the tails and haunches, open wounds (I can’t even post those photos because they are so disgusting and heart wrenching), cracked hooves, bald patches, and broken spirits.”

Allegations related to illegal business practices

The issues related to animal neglect are not the first major issues facing the Stuebgens or their businesses.

In addition to the numerous allegations by citizens and State officials related to illegal business practices, both Teresa and Daniel Stuebgen have faced repeated criminal issues with local law enforcement in recent years.

Daniel Stuebgen and a woman he was allegedly having an affair with were previously charged with assaulting Ms. Stuebgen. Court records show Daniel Stuebgen being charged with domestic assault and harassment in late 2021. The case was eventually dropped after prosecutors were unable to get Ms. Stuebgen to testify against him. He was convicted on charges the same year for Failure to Report an Accident, Operation of an Unregistered Vehicle, and Unlawful Operation of a Vehicle.

Teresa Stuebgen was also charged in 2021 with a DUII in Tillamook County, a case which is still active following her failure to complete multiple diversion agreements, and ultimately appear in court– leading to the recent issuance of a warrant for her arrest.

Rogers went on to explain that Teresa Stuebgen has a “history of lying and creating excuses every time she’s investigated for something”.

“The Stuebgens always seem to be in trouble with someone”, referring to what she learned were issues with State park officials and even recent social media posts where Stuebgen discouraged her employees from speaking with officials from BOLI who has previously investigated the business.

The Stuebgen’s and Green Acres have also been embroiled in numerous issues and allegations from both citizens and state officials in recent years. This also included their connections to their partner company and its owner who was recently charged with felony counts of filming minors in a bathroom at the beach location for Green Acres.

Photo of John Bonander released by Tillamook County Sheriff’s Detectives in efforts to uncover additional victims in his criminal case. (Photo Courtesy of TCSO)

John David Boannder, 48, was arrested last December after it was alleged by Tillamook County Detectives that he was secretly filming minors and others in a bathroom on the property used by both businesses and minor employees of both businesses.

Bonander operates West Coast Camels which jointly shared facilities with Green Acres. Bonander also lived at the same property.

Through court records when compared to records from the Oregon State Marine Board, two of the minor victims were confirmed to be employees of both Green Acres and West Coast Camels.

The Stuebgen’s later denied on social media there being any ties between the businesses at all, despite Green Acres advertising the camel rides and details provided by multiple former employees. The Stuebgen’s have refused to respond to requests for comment, except to email and post threats of legal action against NW Horse Report and others.

Rogers claimed the denial of ties between Green Acres and West Coast Camels was “beyond ridiculous”.

“They’re working and running together, they were basically the same business with the guides being involved with both. [Bonander] did go on rides on a few occasions and would also help at the overnight barn– taking care of his camels and the horses.”

A picture obtained from a private investigators report showing the joint facility used by Green Acres and West Coast Camels located on Pacific Ave in Pacific City, Oregon. The owners of Green Acres have denied findings that showed both companies were together after the owner of West Coast Camels was arrested late last year for filming minors and others in a bathroom on the property.

The other issues with State officials, which were detailed in a mountain of public records from multiple state agencies about the business, included; failing to maintain workers’ compensation insurance, illegal minor labor, and occasional issues with compliance with outfitter guide licensing requirements.

Officials with the Department of Consumer & Business Services (DCBS) confirmed ongoing but yet unsuccessful efforts to get Green Acres into compliance with Oregon law. The company has not had workers’ compensation insurance for several years that is required to protect workers.

DCBS also confirmed that the Stuebgen’s other business Happy Trails Feed & Tack has never had workers’ compensation insurance, despite numerous sources confirming the company has employed numerous workers over the last 5 years who were allegedly “paid under the table”. It is unclear if Happy Trails has ever paid any payroll taxes for these employees.

Green Acres also has a nearly decade-long battle with officials with the Oregon Parks & Recreation Division (OPRD) for riding on illegal trails and not cleaning manure on the beach– issues which numerous local residents have attempted to solve with a laundry list of complaints filed with the State in recent years– with little success.

As previously reported as part of our “Shadow Outfitting” story series, Oregon Parks’ Associate Director Havel confirmed that the agency was going so far as working with an Assistant Attorney General at the Oregon Department of Justice to take legal action against the Green Acres and secure an “exclusion order”.

A photo uncovered on Facebook showed camels were being housed alongside horses of Green Acres, and interactions with Teresa Stuebgen (pictured) despite past denials by the Stuebgens on having any ties to John Bonander and West Coast Camels – (Photo used under “Fair Use” rights)

Havel maintained that the exclusion order remained on the table as they continue to deal with the company.

Havel told NW Horse Report on Tuesday that their “office doesn’t have any new recent reports of interactions with the stables, but we did send the owner an email last week.” but stated the Stuebgens have yet to comply with the request.

The agency requested the company renew a permit required to operate an ATV on the beach after learning they resumed operations this year, part of the agency’s efforts to help them facilitate the cleanup of manure.

“It sounds like you have resumed offering beach rides so please complete the permit application at your earliest convenience so that manure clean-up can resume,” said Park Manager Jason Elkins in an April 13th email.

OPRD officials acknowledged the continued difficulties in gaining compliance from Green Acres. Several local residents alleged the issues with the company and the violations of the State rules by Green Acres have been going on for nearly a decade– with most expressing they’ve given up even bothering to make any new complaints on the ongoing issue after it started to grow worse between 2017 and 2019.

A spokesperson with the Oregon State Marine Board (OSMB), the agency responsible for licensing all outfitter guides in Oregon, said they had not yet been aware of the new allegations and evidence concerning Green Acres and their horses.

“Oregon registered outfitter and guides shall provide any animal used in the conduct of business with proper food, water, and shelter and not subject any animal to needless abuse or cruel inhuman treatment.” said OSMB official Brian Paulsen.

“With this new information we are immediately working with our law enforcement partners to substantiate the information and investigate further. Our agency strives to ensure that all individuals who provide outdoor recreation activities for compensation in Oregon conduct themselves in a safe and legal manner.”

The company appeared to enjoy successes and far fewer issues in years past until it changed ownership around 2017 to the Stuebgens. Gary Fromm, who is known as the current owner of the unincorporated city of Otis near Lincoln City, appears to have originally owned the company.

State records showed Fromm’s business, Green Acres Boarding, had an assumed business name of “Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides”. Fromm appears to have canceled his assumed business name filling which coincided with the registration of “Green Acres Beach & Trail Rides, LLC” under a new registry number– filed by the Stuebgens.

While online reviews remain generally positive for Green Acres, the review averages in recent years have been plummeting much lower when not factoring reviews from before 2018, with some ranging averages in the high 2’s and low 3’s on both Google and Trip Advisor.

A significant increase in 1-star reviews with lengthy complaints detailing issues with unsupervised child workers, horse safety and care, failure to return deposits, and other inappropriate conduct– was very noticeable on the company’s review pages.

In one response, the company actually knowledges having minors working, but alleged that adult workers would check in on them.

An active warrant for owner’s arrest on unrelated case

NW Horse Report also discovered that Teresa Stuebgen continues to have an active bench warrant for her arrest as of the publication of this story, having failed to appear recently per court order for hearings related to her repeated failure to comply with a “diversion agreement” stemming from 2021 DUI charge in Tillamook County.

According to an affidavit from Tillamook County District Attorney Aubrey Olson in her application for a warrant for Stuebgen’s arrest, it stated Stuebgen was contacted by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Deputies in their attempts to serve an “Order to Show Case for Diversion Violation”.

Lincoln County deputies “were unable to serve the defendant because the address provided is a business that appears vacant.”

Olson then details that deputies “contacted defendant via phone, and she refused to provide her address, but stated she no longer lives in Lincoln Co. She then hung up on them.”

Based on court records obtained by NW Horse Report connected in both civil and criminal legal fillings, Teresa Stuebgen appears to have been providing false information to the courts when using the now former Lincoln County business address as a residence in some of the fillings, while other fillings show her residence as the property where the overnight barn for Green Acres is based on Resort Drive in Pacific City, which is located in Oregon’s Tillamook County.

Stuebgen’s now ex-husband Daniel Stuebgen also has continued to provide this and other addresses claiming the “principal place of business” for Green Acres is actually in Lincoln City, despite it being located at either the location on Resort Drive or Pacific Ave in Pacific City.

Several individuals also alleged that Daniel Stuebgen has remained aware and shares in the responsibility for the care of the horses. An online review posted just over a week ago appears to show Mr. Stuebgen next to a young customer on the horse.

Daniel Stuebgen is also reportedly a certified farrier, which also raises more questions as to the alleged explanation from Teresa Stuebgen to the rescue and others on the lack of hoof care for their horses.

Allegations of illegal labor practices, payroll fraud, exploiting minor labor, and alcohol and drug use

Rogers also went on to corroborate reports from numerous sources who over the last year also alleged illegal payroll and labor practices by Green Acres and the Stuebgen’s other business, Happy Trails Feed & Tack.

In addition to the illegal employment of minors which Rogers said looking back feels “exploitive”, her story matched with that of others who alleged that the Stuebgens were also falsifying payroll and timesheet records, in addition to illegal wage practices that did not include paying overtime or even minimum wage.

“Okay, here’s an example, I was supposed to be paid $20 per hour– but in reality, they would pay us only $3 or $4 per rider. So if we had 30 riders that day, they would only pay me $90 and on paystubs claim only 4.5 hours, even though I actually worked 12-14 hours a day sometimes,” explained Rogers.

“It was just a mess, and that’s even if we got paystubs and normal paychecks.”

When Rogers was asked who handled payroll she explained, “Tina Cabal, she’s a friend of the Stuebgens and an employee, she was the one who was handling all the fudging of the numbers for Green Acres, she was absolutely in on it,”.

The other employee claimed that Cabal was “paid extra” as an office manager, but couldn’t confirm exactly how much. Rogers said she wasn’t aware if there was any such arrangement for extra pay for Cabal in handling the payroll records with the Stuebgens.

Rogers claimed the company got in trouble years ago with BOLI for paying the guides by the number of rides and having classified them as “independent contractors”, which is an issue where a business engages in the misclassification of workers to avoid payroll taxes and other labor requirements. Despite the change to an “employee classification” and “hourly pay”, Rogers and others said the business just went on to manipulate the numbers for the same effective result.

According to Rogers and the other former employee, it enabled Green Acres to illegally avoid required overtime pay, and pay employees well under Oregon’s minimum wage.

“By 2021, I was making less than $10 an hour most days. I’d work 12 hours and only make $80-$100 dollars” Rogers explained.

The other former employee’s story was similar to Rogers’ own claim.

The allegations by the former Green Acres employees appear to be a clear form of payroll fraud through falsified timesheets, which not only takes advantage of workers but also has serious potential implications of tax fraud.

In fact, according to an official with the U.S. Department of Labor, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that specifically requires employers to keep accurate records of nonexempt employees’ work hours. For instance, it is illegal for employers to cut an employee’s work time down in an attempt to avoid paying overtime. 

When asked if she was ever paid overtime for the many weeks she knew were well in excess of 40 hours, Rogers said, “Never, they would also avoid overtime pay this way, absolutely.”

Both FLSA and Oregon law requires employers to compensate employees at the rate of 1.5 of their normal hourly pay for each hour worked over 40 hours in a single work week.

Allegations further supported by investigator’s interview with Stuebgen’s daughter-in-law

Many of the allegations made by Rogers and the other unnamed employee were also corroborated in a private investigators’ report from October 2020 also detailed an interview with Teresa Stuebgen’s daughter-in-law, Paris Kirkpatrick-Ware.

The report details many of the same allegations made by Rogers and another unnamed employee but also alleges the company was not in compliance with outfitter-guide laws including avoiding CPR/First Aid-certified training for its guides, especially the minors who were employed.

“When I was really young, the company would call us ‘Junior Guides’, which meant we only got paid with a share of tips. They were still doing this when I left the company in 2021.” said Rogers.

When asked why they thought this could happen, both former employees explained that it was an alternative to “babysitting for some parents” and taking advantage of those who wanted to help and be around the horses.

When we asked Rogers and the other employee why they never reported the issues to authorities or Oregon labor officials, it was due to “fear” of the Stuebgens. The other unnamed employee, and another source familiar with the business’s practices, would only speak to NW Horse Report under the condition of anonymity out of a bonafide fear of retribution.

“I wanted to go to BOLI, I wanted to go do that, but I was in fear of retaliation,” Rogers said, going on to explain, “But I had also been there a long time since I was a kid, I really cared about the horses. I wanted to ensure I didn’t burn a bridge and could have access to the horses and be sure they were okay, because [the Stuebgens] didn’t take care of the horses in the winter.”

BOLI is Oregon’s Bureau of Labor & Industries which investigates and enforces Oregon’s labor laws and provides support for both employees and employers.

As previously detailed in past reporting from NW Horse Report, records also showed that Green Acres attempted to obtain a “minor exemption certificate” in the summer of 2020 after BOLI’s Child Labor Unit sent a warning to the business, but the application was denied based on the classification of work in accordance with State and Federal labor laws.

BOLI’s Child Labor Unit then attempted to receive more information from the company, but their requests were ignored. The State informed Green Acres that they could not employ minors.

“You may not employ minors as long as you do not have a current Employment Certificate.” said an August 13th, 2020 letter from the agency. According to BOLI officials, Green Acres did not respond to their requests.

One of the former employees told NW Horse Report that Teresa Stuebgen would also frequently claim people as “family” in order to deflect inquiries from State officials, despite the individuals not being immediate family members or even family at all.

Kirkpatrick-Ware also made similar allegations in her interview with an investigator, having been aware that when the company did not have their license for months following a citation for “guiding without a license” in March of 2020.

The report read, “Ms. Kirkpatrick-Ware stated Mr. and Ms. Stuebgen ran beach rides without a license from March 2020 to May 2020. After my own internal investigation, I found that their business also falls under Oregon State Marine Board outfitter licensing. She stated during this time they would make the paying customers pretend to be ‘family’.”

Kirkpatrick-Ware also detailed to the investigator that Teresa Stuebgen continued to “bute” a horse named Chrome that the company’s Oregon veterinarian, Dr. Richard McMillian, had previously told the Stuebgens needed to be retired. Bute is a term for the analgesic drug phenylbutazone, namely used in the treatment of horses.

The allegations by Kirkpatrick-Ware were collaborated by Rogers– telling NW Horse Report that the horse Chrome should not have had any riders over 90lbs on the horse or used on the beach, and being aware that Teresa Stuebgen would frequently give the horse “bute” before rides with customers on the beach.

Rogers also claimed the same practice was being done with another horse in recent years.

“They had to give one of the horses named Jet butte in order for the horse to do rides, they never worked to get her in shape before the rides.” said Rogers.

The interview report with Kirkpatrick-Ware also went on to allege drug and alcohol use by both adults as well as some of the minors on the property. Rogers stated she witnessed consumption by both Bonander and Teresa Stuebgen on a “regular occasion”, and that alcohol was prevalent in a fridge inside the business and used by the workers, including several children.

Sheriff’s office confirms new investigation

The Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) confirmed to NW Horse Report on Tuesday that it was actively investigating the report and confirming an official with the horse rescue filed a complaint with the agency.

Following initial publication NW Horse Report spoke with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), having made an inquiry prior to press time of sources who believed their office was providing an agency assist to TCSO after having learned that the rescue– located in Polk County– had obtained two of the horses and a turkey.

Following initial publication, Capt. Jeff Isham with PCSO clarified the record and stated that while their deputy did inspect the horses that were brought to Polk County by the rescue, they have yet to receive any request from TCSO for any assistance or to officially investigate the animals surrendered to the rescue.

Isham said Polk County Sheriff’s Office is more than happy to provide assistance of their animal control officer to other agencies, especially those without qualified staff. PCSO’s Deputy Jodi Whiting was recently awarded ACO of the Year by the Oregon Animal Control Council and regularly conducts training for all of Polk County’s patrol deputies. Isham said the training of their other deputies by the State’s leading ACO is a great resource that allows their agency to be more effective in properly investigating animal neglect cases.

A turkey rescued last Friday from the Green Acres facility was allegedly found next to “dead chickens”. (Photo Courtesy of Mary Renouf)

A patrol supervisor for TCSO also confirmed that a deputy and a veterinarian went to the property earlier Tuesday, but did not yet have details regarding the visit and if Ms. Stuebgen cooperated with the visit. The supervisor stated that the visit was not however under the authority of a warrant and did not disclose the veterinarian.

The supervisor did not generally respond to multiple allegations by numerous citizens previously mentioned in this story, indicating it was above his pay grade and that such comment would need to come from either their Sheriff or PIO.

Tillamook County Sheriff Joshua Brown stated on Tuesday evening that he would need more time to respond to the request for comment, having not been familiar with the case. As of press time Wednesday no further comment had been made.

We did ask Sheriff Brown if his agency was familiar with many of the resources in neighboring counties that often assist smaller agencies and communities with similar cases, including support from animal rescue organizations that frequently work with law enforcement, the State’s special animal cruelty prosecutor, and veterinarians with experience in such legal cases.

Joy Laudahl, another director for Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue, also spoke with NW Horse Report regarding the recent revelations. Laudahl was one of the three members of their rescue who approach Teresa Stuebgen last Friday when they made a visit to her family.

Laudahl disclosed that she had worked with Teresa Stuebgen in years past, including with her feed store by holding fundraisers for their non-profit. She however expressed that despite the past relationship with Teresa Stuebgen, her feelings quickly changed with time as the reality of the situation and reports– from those both in and outside the equestrian community– were increasingly coming to light.

“It’s honestly heartbreaking, and at the end of the day there isn’t anybody that can really remain a true friend of mine when animals are put into this situation,” Laudahl said.

“People need to be honest and excuses don’t cut it when the animals are suffering, and this is really one of the most heartbreaking cases I’ve ever experienced. This happens by people’s choices– and by negligence– and they [the animals] don’t have a voice.”

Much of the same somber mood and heartbreak expressed by Renouf in her weekend blog post following the ordeal last Friday was also shared by Laudahl, “It was just so bad, and if the sheriff doesn’t move soon more animals are going to die.”

While Laudahl is no stranger to working with law enforcement agencies across the State in her and Renouf’s capacity at Harmony New Beginnings, Laudahl did express concerns that partly mirror those expressed by others in the community regarding the capabilities of the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office in handling such a case.

Laudahl did however express that she was hopeful that where Tillamook County deputies may not have the necessary experience, they will seek outside help from qualified professionals and other agencies. She also hoped TCS listens to the community that recognizes this case well exceeds what has been seen in other neglect cases in other jurisdictions that have led to criminal charges.

“The community is already starting to speak out, and it’s just the beginning, so I really hope those leading this case understand how serious it actually is when you look at the other cases being prosecuted,” Laudahl said.

“The community just wants to be heard and know that their Sheriff prevented one more animal from dying because they didn’t take too long to act, to seize animals, and not continue to enable those who will continue to repeatedly neglect their animals,”

A photo of one of the two horses recently rescued by Harmony New Beginnings from Green Acres. (Photo Courtesy of Harmony New Beginnings)

Laudahl and others pointed to the swift action in numerous other cases, including the recent Brownell felony neglect case.

Renouf said that while there weren’t horses that needed to be euthanized on-site as was the case in the recent Brownell case outside Dallas, Oregon, the “situation was very similar in many respects,” including the horses being used for a for-profit business. The Brownells were convicted in that case earlier this year.

Numerous individuals and former employees also expressed that they believe law enforcement must act and “not just try to educate or help them care for the animals themselves”, believing this pattern of conduct has already been repeating itself for years.

“They easily make over $400,000 a year if you can do simple math, with at least a quarter million of that in just the heat of a few months of summer,” said Rogers, claiming that at best Green Acres is probably paying out only 30-40 thousand dollars in payroll.

“Even if it’s twice that, that’s still plenty of money to take care of the horses they have, but everybody that knows them knows they just won’t do it,” said Rogers.

“There is plenty of money for them to buy hay and feed, but the Stuebgens have continued to show they are irresponsible. They make plenty of money to do things legally and take care of their animals, they just choose not to and instead spend the money on themselves, and tons of alcohol while the horses suffer.”

The other employee also believed that the amount Rogers alleged the business generates was fairly accurate when figuring an average of 30 riders a day and being open nearly 7 days a week during the summer season.

She also claimed, “They do a lot of business in cash too, and [the Stuebgens] take a lot of money out and just go spend it, so I’m sure they don’t report that much. Plus we’ve learned they aren’t paying for workers’ [compensation] insurance like they were supposed to.”

NW Horse Report did not receive any response from the Stuebgens or Green Acres following a Tuesday email to their business.

However, Teresa Stuebgen made a Facebook post-Tuesday evening saying, “Hey Karen’s unless you know about a horse or my life shut the hell up and get a life.”

Laudahl also provided copies of hostile voicemails from both Daniel & Teresa Stuebgen left with Harmony New Beginnings early Wednesday afternoon.

“Hi Joy, this is Dan over at Green Acres, and uh I think we have some [f-ing] problems and I want a callback.” said a voicemail from Daniel Stuebgen.

A voicemail from Teresa Stuebgen stated, “Hey you know, I’ve always rescued with all my heart, and for you to backstab me the way you did, I am unbelievably hurt, I did everything I could and I have given you a lot…”

After initial publication, Daniel Stuebgen left two more voicemails on the rescue’s phone which escalated to threats of lawsuits against the non-profit and its officers for “defamation” and alleged that he would be taking action on everyone who he claimed was “trespassing”, despite them having been allowed onto the property by Teresa Stuebgen as part of the voluntary surrender.

As of press time, the website for Green Acres at appears to have been replaced with a simple “Coming Soon” landing page.

Anyone with first-hand information regarding allegations of animal neglect in relation to this case can contact the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office at (503) 842-2561.

Those interested in supporting the ongoing care of the two horses and turkey or other animals already in the care of Harmony New Beginnings can visit The organization is a licensed Animal Rescue Entity with the Oregon Department of Agriculture and a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

This is a developing story that you can count on NW Horse Report to keep you updated on.

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